Saturday, December 22, 2012


Last night we had one of those rare thunderstorms.  In the wine country we don't get the big lightening, thunder, roaring, pounding rain very often.  But last night won, if you're the type that loves storms.

It was also the big night, December 21, 2012.  The end of the Mayan calendar.  Every year we get the end of the world story.  But this night was special.  We had a specific date, carved in stone by highly intelligent people thousands of years ago.  Not just another Nostradamus prophecy re-worked to fit today's events.  We also had a celestial event, as we moved across the milky way, and aligned with the greatest planets in our solar system.

In this prophetic moment, back here in my little domain, safe for the moment, I awoke from a dream.  The roof of my vineyard cottage is made of european ceramic tiles.  The cottage built of blocks and covered in stucco.  Surrounded by old redwood and pine trees.  The typically dry creek behind my house roared with water.  Then it happened again, the thunder roared, the house shook.  The sky clapped, several times, so loudly I had to wonder, was this it?  Was something big about to happen?  My room lit up.  It was so bright I could see the flash through my closed eye lids.  Was the axis of the planet about to shift?  Was a solar flare causing a thunderstorm that would flood the planet?  Would this clap pop a hole in the ozone layer?

The clap and boom of thunder permeated the quiet night with a sound so loud my ceramic tiles played back an echo to each clap from the storm that rolled through the walls of my home.  The big old trees thrashing their long limbs, reaching 100ft. into the night sky, made for a spooky sky.

I dug deeper into my bed.  My ears on high alert.  Then a deep sleep as the rain fell thickly, dense but translucent like a vail, dampening the growing distant sounds of thunder.

Just after dawn, I awoke to the rushing sound of a full creek.  As I sipped a cup of thick black Jo I  watched deer head for dry ground just outside my kitchen window.  Check it out in the video attached.  Listen to the sounds of the creek, bone dry the night before.  I really appreciate these moments.  I live for them.  My creek is one of those things that only brings me happiness.  So I'll share it with you.

I'm really excited about 2013, I love the number.  Happy Holidays.

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